Thursday, 18 July 2024

When Lady Luck Catches Your Eye

An interesting topic of conversation. 

You know why people have a fascination with gambling? 

Because they think it's easy money. 

I can tell you now if you honestly think you are going to win at gambling by sheer, blind luck then you are correct, it can happen. 

People looking at websites such as Online Casino Deutschland for all the latest free bets, spins and bonuses. They are like the majority of gamblers hoping they will hit the jackpot. 

We've all seen people winning the lottery. Sure, there is some lucky bloke round the corner from your old grans who needed a larger cheque because they couldn't fit all those zeros. 

The old dear who walked into Tesco's and got a scratch card and won a million as she was tucking into a pie. 

Have you ever seen lady luck? Do you know what she looks like, what she wears or her favourite perfume? 

I have this image in mind. She has the style of Coco Channel, her perfume comes from one of those giant bottles you only see in boutique stores. Perfect hair with a flash of purple in the front (pictured, Lady Luck at Great Yarmouth Casino). Without question, she is a beautiful lady. If she brushes past you while buying a scratch card from W H Smiths you will notice that look, touch and sweet, heavenly smell. She is fleeting like willow the wisp, often brushing past one to favour another with a smile on her face. She turns those waiting in line to green-eyed monsters while those she touches feel like a million dollars even if they only get three bells come up on the fruit machine. 

While she is in your presence she is a queen. As she walks past with her head held high, she's a bitch. 

Lady luck will visit everyone at some point in their life. She is only surpassed by skill or knowledge but even then she may make someone a fortune without a moment's thought.

The next time you are about to place a bet, buy a scratch card or play at the casino, stop for a moment, look around and see if she is waiting in the wings. If she comes closer, place a bet because this may be your lucky day. 

She is waiting for you...